Tutorial – Caricatures (For ages 6th grade and up)

Part 1

Part 2

Hello! Welcome to Art with Alex. This channel is full of wonderful art project tutorials just for you. Enjoy!

Let’s draw a Caricature! The materials you will need are:
– 1piece of white paper
– pencil
– black marker
– colored pencils

Have fun and thanks for watching!

Doodle Away Fridays!

Hello! Welcome to Art with Alex. This channel is full of wonderful art project tutorials just for you. Enjoy!

Let’s doodle our Friday away! The materials you will need are:
– 1 Sketchbook
– Sharpie

Have fun and thanks for watching!

Tutorial – "Take a Line for a Walk" (for ages 2nd grade and up)


Hello! Welcome to Art with Alex. This channel is full of wonderful art project tutorials just for you. Enjoy!

Today we will be making a very colorful project called “Take a Line for a Walk.”
The supplies you will need:
-1 piece of white paper (any size)
-1 black marker
– Oil Pastels

Have fun and thanks for watching!

(To watch this video in full screen, click on the YouTube link underneath the video)

Photo Box Tutorial

I had recently gotten a macro lens for my camera and wanted to try it out on some beautiful flowers. A macro lens is used for taking pictures of small objects and can easily capture small detail. It really is amazing.

-White tissue paper
-Table lamp
-Black and white construction paper

I started by making a photo box. I found a box and cut the flaps off the top. I then cut a large square out of 3 sides and the bottom. I left one side solid. When I cut the squares, I left a frame and the corners of the box to keep its structure. I then taped white tissue paper over the squares to create a diffuser for the light that would be shining through. I could then tip the box onto the solid side to use as a photo box. I decided on either black or white paper for the bottom/back drop. I could then place the table lamp on either side of the photo box so that the light is shining into to box through the white tissue paper. I placed the flower in the box, finding the best positioning based on the lighting. The pictures turned out beautiful!

Flower Hairpiece Tutorial

I made 54 flower hairpieces for my sister’s bridal shower. It was so much fun to create a variety of colors and styles for each of the ladies attending the shower.

-Hair clips of your choice
-Silk flowers of your choice
-Wire cutters
-Hot glue gun
-Hot glue sticks
-Crystals, feathers, other embellishments

I started by cutting the flower off the wire stem using wire cutters.

Then I glued the flower to the clip using the hot glue gun.

Once the hot glue had cooled, I began gluing on the embellishments (crystals and feathers.)

Once the glue cooled they were ready to wear!